Install Whatsapp on your Android Tablet

If you want to install Whatsapp on your tablet you get an error. But if you follow the following steps you can install Whatsapp on a Android Tablet.

What do you need?
– A phone with WhatsApp and Bluetooth
– A tablet with Bluetooth

INSTALL WhatsApp on your tablet

  1. Update WhatsApp on your smartphone to the latest version.
  2. Download and open from the play store app ‘App Backup & Restore’
  3. If you open the app you see the installed in the tab
  4. Select here WhatsApp and tab it
  5. You see a green box appear behind WhatsApp and click Backup
  6. If the backup is created you will get a notification and you’ll find the backup at the tab archived. To reach this tab you swipe to the right.
  7. Now we will send the file, make sure Bluetooth is turned on on both devices
  8. When you see Whatsapp in archived. Select and click SEND (at the top of your screen). Select in The Next Screen Send other apps and click Bleutooth.
  9. Make sure the following bix is checked SETTINGS -> Security Option “installation from unknown sources”
  10. Once the file is received, you can click on it and opens the installation.
  11. After that you can start WhatsApp and fill in you see that your number is requested. Enter the number. Whatsapp tries to send an SMS tot the specified number. Open this text and put the code on your tablet or go to the link in the sms.

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