Am I blocked?

How can you find out if someone has blocked you on their Whatsapp contact list? There are a few ways to find out:

  • When you send a message you will only see one of the checkmarks (message delivered to server). You won’t see a second checkmark that the message is delivered to the intended phone.
  • Status below the usernames you are messaging with won’t show “last seen” and “online” anymore if the person has blocked you.
  • You cannot see the profile picture anymore.

If one of these things has happened it might be that you are blocked but this is not 100% certain. For example iPhone users have the option to hide their last seen status since update 2.8.1. It  can also take a while before a message is delivered to the intended phone. A single checkmark does not immediatly mean that you are blocked.

12 thoughts on “Am I blocked?”

    1. Yes, only if you transferred your account to your new number in that other country. You can do that by going to “Settings” —> “Account” —> “Change My Number”. Good luck!!

  1. If I have blocked someone but then they have sent me messages whilst they have been blocked, can I retrieve these messages at all when I in-block them afterwards?

  2. wattsaap have the facility that the user can hide your last seen and hide your profile pics. then how can i know that i am blocked or not?

  3. If first i bloked a person from my phone but then i delete it, can that person contact me on whatsapp if stil has my phone-number but i don t have his anymore?

  4. I have sent someone a message on whatsapp and it only show’s one tick, and I can still see his profile picture, am I blocked?

  5. If I have blocked someone but then they have sent me messages whilst they have been blocked, can I retrieve these messages at all when I unblock them afterwards?

  6. If I have blocked someone but then they have sent me messages whilst they have been blocked, can I retrieve these messages at all when I unblock them afterwards?

  7. When someone has removed their picture from my whatsapp list, meaning they have blocked me…how then do I remove their and my correspondence and them from my list of friends ?

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